Tuesday, July 23, 2024

National Bound!

 I first learned about the National Sport Collector's Convention- colloquially known solely as the National, around 1998 or 1999, back when I used to read Beckett. I've wanted to go ever since then, and it's risen to a Bucket List item. 

Now, finally, I will be attending the National for the first time! This year's National is being held in Cleveland, Ohio, roughly 7 hours away from home. 

I will be there on Thursday for sure, MAYBE Friday and Saturday as well but that's yet to be determined- if my health gives out or I run out of money I won't be able to return. 

I've got some trepidation about my health lasting long enough to get through the show...I have limits on what I can do physically but I'm going to push myself as much as I can to see as much as I can. This may be a one and done experience for me, really not fond of driving to/through Chicagoland so going there is not too likely, and I think it's going to be there the next three years, although I'm not 100% sure.

And of course money is always a problem. I've been saving all year long but I doubt I have enough to bring home all I want to...of course when you are a set collector for three entire sports that's pretty much always the case. 

As I am a collector of opportunity, I'm going to see what I can see and see what I can add, but I'm not going there looking for anything in particular. I do want to see some of the high dollar vintage cards that I could both never actually afford nor would I want to buy, since they aren't my sports, but yeah...I want to see the old baseball cards on display at the grading booths for example. 

I may not be able to add as much as I am hoping to at the show. I know from looking at pictures in previous years it's heavily skewed to baseball, which I only collect a VERY small portion of, but more concerning for me is that I refuse to pay anyone to think for me and I tend to walk past graded cards without even really looking at them. The hobby prices are also insane lately and I may find the cards are overpriced vs what I am willing to pay for them. I am sure I will find something- It's probably statistically impossible not to at a show of this size, but time will tell just how successful I will be. 

I really don't know what to expect...while I have been attending card shows for more than 30 years now none have ever been on the scale of the National. No other shows are on this scale, this is the largest in the world. 

I generally stink at remembering names and who they belong to, unless I have dozens of cards of them of course, so if you see me, odds are I won't recognize who you are so please speak up. I don't want to come home and see that a member of the Cardblogosphere saw me and I didn't get a chance to say hello! I don't know what shirt I will be wearing each day yet but I will have my trademark neon green hat. (The same one I am wearing in the Dreams come true post). I know I plan to stop by the Puck Junk table so I will be sure to meet at least one fellow card blogger. 

One thing I am not planning to do is the autograph signings. While there are a couple of guys planning on being there that it would be cool to get an autograph from, I would rather spend my money on cards, but more importantly standing still in line is really bad for me- just standing on line exacerbates my health problems and I have to give that up if I have any chance of seeing the entire show, which is my goal. It's literally not physically possible for me to do both so I had to make my choice and it wasn't really a hard choice.  If they had any NASCAR people signing it would have been a harder choice but since they have exactly 0 on the docket the choice was easy. 

I really can't wait...I've been wanting to do this for so long, it's a little hard to believe that it's actually going to happen! 


  1. Have fun Billy! Attending The National is on my bucket list too. Unfortunately... it likely won't happen until after I retire... unless it miraculously returns to the West Coast. I could definitely make it happen... but I hate flying and the drive would eat up several days and a lot of gas. Plus there's all of the expenses that I'd rather put towards eBay purchases. If I go, it'll probably be part of a combined vacation that involves attending some games and hanging out with friends (maybe fellow bloggers).

  2. I went to the National in San Francisco back in 1987 it was a blast.

  3. I'm glad you're finally going to get to the show

  4. Have fun! ... I kind of goofed and took vacation this week but forgot this year's show was in Cleveland, which is the only place I figured I'd be able to attend the National. Oh well.

  5. I don't know about hockey or racing, but one would have to think that there'd at least be a bunch of bargain boxes for basketball. Safe travels to and fro.

  6. Very cool, Billy! Looking forward to plenty of photos and stories.

  7. Hopefully your body will hold up for the whole weekend! Looking forward to your recap and pictures, and all the good card purchases you'll get!

  8. I missed this post, but glad to see you had a great time on Twitter after a rough start
