Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Testing my mettle

 I recently touched on how I changed the way I scan recently, just grabbing whatever box needed to be scanned and working through it instead of picking and choosing what I felt like doing at that time. 

I ran into the first big test of this style of scanning. 1995 Hi-Tech Brickyard 400 is a 90 card set and all 90 of them were in this box that I picked to work on next. Unfortunately these cards are very dark, and they are very "clingy" in that way that every bit of dust sticks to them and doesn't come off easily- and shows in the scan., especially on the back.

The urge to put these back in the box and work on whatever is in the next box is so strong, but I am pushing through. I've been setting these aside and putting them off since Christmas 2021 as it is so if I do it again, who knows how long it will be before I actually do them? And besides, the longer I let them sit, the more dust they can collect, so doing them now - while not particularly fun- saves them from being even more of a pain in the butt in the future. 

I'm griping but it will only take me about 3 days to do the entire 90 card set. 90 cards usually takes me about an hour and a half so it's a big difference in time, but on the other hand, I don't really have anything better I can do either. Except the next box of cards...or models. Or writing a blog post like this one to put off editing more scans...

This is what a scan looks like before I fix it.

And here's the same image, corrected.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Eat these cards!

 You are invited to a fancy meal. 

There will be chicken Alfredo

as well as a serving of Ham.

If you'd prefer, you could have Ribbs.

If you want classic American cuisine, you could have  a Berger

and fries

If your palette leans towards the Mexican and Indian cuisine, there will be tackos and curry

You could also order the fancy Japanese steak

or just eat bread.

There will also be sandwiches and stew.

Can't forget the Chili!

Try it with rice!

And many kinds of fish.


John Salmons

Do not worry if you are a vegetarian - there will be a salad option too. 

And a wide variety of fruit.

All kinds of berries....

a whole hill of berries in fact!

There will be condiments available too, don't worry!

Save room for dessert!

You will have your choice of beverages also.
For fans of alcoholic beverages, there will be beer, wine and sherry

while non-alcoholic refreshments will include coffey and seltzer.

Eat hardy, and don't leave a crumb!

And in case you are wondering, yes, I am nuts.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Cardboard History Year in Review

 2024 was a weird year for me in the hobby. I was still involved in something card related most every day, but it was different somehow. It's a bit hard to explain, more of a feeling. Overall I would say it was a very good year in the hobby, even if I didn't have much motivation to actually write a lot of posts. 

I accomplished some really big things during 2024 as well:

  • I completed my Excel chart that let me know exactly what is in my collection in full, information I've never had in my more than 30 years in the hobby
  • I documented how many cards I have for each NASCAR team, something else I never knew 
  • I attended the National Sport Collector's Convention, which was a bucket list item
  • I hit 100,000 unique NBA cards
In total I added 5261 cards to my collection during 2024. Since I began typing in the exact order of every card I get back in 2014, it's the 3rd smallest year of new additions. I completed only 1 set during the year, 1997 Ultra Update NASCAR, which I bought a hobby box of at the National. I didn't think I had completed any sets having forgotten that one, but luckily I list in the excel file when I complete the set. Set completion isn't as important to me as it once was, my "Names Project", getting at least one card of every person to get one for my three sports, has surpassed it in importance. 

Getting to the National has been a Bucket List item for me for a very long time. I first learned about the National in either 1998 or 1999 in Beckett, and I've wanted to go ever since. This year, it finally happened! The first day was miserable, Thursday, but I went back on Saturday and it was 100% different. That Saturday was one of the greatest days I've had in the hobby ever. Top 3 without question. 
Just a couple weeks later I attended FanaticsFestNYC, which wasn't as good as the National but will be more likely to see me return regularly, since it's close enough that it doesn't require a hotel or long distance travel. I know I won't be able to do the National when it's in Chicago because that is a two day ride from here both directions and my brother can't take that much time off of work to add that into the schedule. 
I have a local card show that's less than a half hour away from home but I have not been there since June 2022. My main goal for 2025 is to get to at least one of them! I already missed the first one of the year, it only runs a couple of hours in the morning on the first Saturday of the month and I slept through it this month. 

My main goal for the year was to scan some cards every month, and I succeeded in that endeavor. I will hopefully keep that going into the future but I'm not going to stress about it- if it doesn't happen, it's ok. It's possible, in the spring and fall especially, that I will spend more time on my scale modeling hobby and not get any scanning done. I cannot predict it, it will depend on what I feel like doing then, and the weather. Since I paint outside, I'm not completely in control of that, but there's always something to do with both hobbies so I can bounce around between them. Last year was particularly hot and humid in the summer so I actually increased my scanning when it was too humid to paint.  
Using this a segway for my modeling update, which I did promise would be in my year end recap, I didn't think it was a particularly good year for me...it felt like a very down year. But I was wrong...when I pulled together a photo of each of my completions on the year it ended up being 114 which is either my 2nd or 3rd most in a single year!
And in making this post I realized I forgot to include one so I actually completed 115 builds. Oops! (Even worse- I can see that model that I forgot to include from sitting at my computer- and I just noticed now! I could see it when I made this image!)
These are my 1/64 completions. This is my favorite scale and these are the ones that really matter to me. I didn't accomplish much on these until later in the year and I think that may be why I felt like it was a down year...all but 12 of these were finished after Halloween. Some of them have been in progress since at least 2007, when my earliest in progress photo of them was uploaded to my website. 
In November I sorted my parts from all my in progress builds for the first time ever. I was able to reunite parts that had gotten dispersed more than a decade ago, and I was able to rescue some builds that I thought I could never finish because the parts were missing. I'm very much looking forward to getting back to them in the 2025 building season, but as I alluded to above, it's too cold to do that right now. 

Getting back to cards, I changed the way I scan in two ways during the year. Previously, I would go through boxes to find something I felt like scanning. I have stopped doing that, because I had just grabbed a couple boxes to work on and decided to just scan whatever happens to be in the box. It turns out I enjoyed doing that a significant amount, more than when I was choosing what to scan. I may choose again at some point, but for now I'm really enjoying it this way and plan to continue doing it going forward for the foreseeable future. You may have noticed that more baseball and football people have been appearing in the "New People Scanned" posts...that's why. I was mostly setting them aside and looking for hockey or early 90s NBA to do, lol. 
Secondly, and what will be the more important way eventually, is that I've set aside any card with foil. Any foil. I saw the Heystack machine at the FanaticsFest and it was a huge difference maker. I need to get one when it becomes available, so I'm saving all foil cards until then. And not just full mirror foil, even cards with a person's name in foil too. At the show they said they hope it will be ready in first quarter 2025. It's going to be a game changer. Until they are ready, I'm working on the cards that don't have any foil at all. It's a bit of a weird feeling to get cards and not start scanning them right away, but the wait will be worth it. 

 In real life stuff, not card or model related, 2024 was a down year. We didn't do the amount of adventures we normally do, even if the ones we did do were pretty spectacular. The year was broken in three segments based around my mom. The first part of the year until September was pretty bad as her leg problems got worse and worse. Finally in September she went to the hospital and then rehab for over a month, and then there's the time when she's been home again and it feels like we're actually living life again, instead of just enduring every day. Late October through December was the only time in the year I actually felt something other than complete dread. 

The biggest highlight of the year for me is that my brother got his 1989 Cadillac early in the year, and in April I finally got to enter a car show as a participant, not just a spectator. This has been my #1 dream for as long as I can possibly remember and I didn't think it would ever come true! 
We only got to one cruise but it was the highlight of the entire year. 

When we went to the Adirondack Nationals my brother and I took a long drive up to Mesina NY to go to the highest point physically possible to go to in the state of New York, Barnhart Island. 
That is the St. Lawrence River looking into Canada. 

One of the other highlights of the year was going to Lime Rock Part for the IROC Reunion, which also included some actual racing. It was the first pavement race I've ever seen. NASCAR is bringing the Truck series to Lime Rock in 2025 and I plan to go, which will be my first actual NASCAR race attended despite being a fan since 1992. 

For traditional museum adventures, we didn't do many. 
First was Dinosaur State Park in Connecticut:
That's a really cool museum and WELL worth the visit if you can get there. Those are all actual dinosaur tracks that have been preserved. The area back then was sandy beach, and as the geography changed it preserved the tracks, which were discovered during road construction. 
Very close to that is the Barker Character Museum, which is one of the best museums I've ever been to!

These two places, which are roughly 25 minutes apart, are worth making a special trip to Connecticut just to visit. 
You could spend a full day at both although I did both on the same trip. The Barker Museum is what I want to do with my collections. 

My brother took me to a model show in Chicopee Massachusetts which is literally the next town away from Springfield, so we went to the Basketball Hall of Fame for the second time. 
And this time I remembered to take an overall view of the wall where all the enshrinees are listed!

Not quite a museum and requiring no travel for us, but a traveling circus set up at the Poughkeepsie Galleria, the Du Portugal Circus, which we went to. It is the first time I've been to a circus since circa 1988/89. It was actually really, really fun! 

While we were in Cleveland for the National, we made time to visit the Greater Cleveland Aquarium. I love Aquariums quite a bit. 

My brother took me to a museum I didn't know existed, the Matchbox Road Museum in southern New Jersey, which was really awesome. I ended up setting my new record for most photos taken in a single day, surpassing even the NASCAR Hall of Fame!

The final trip of the year was multipart, but was very cool. There were 4 major man-made things I wanted to see in the USA. I saw two of them previously (Mt. Rushmore and St. Louis Arch) and this year my brother took me to the Statue of Liberty. Kind of funny that it's the closest one to home but was the third to see. 

However, that was not my favorite part of the trip. The boat ride was! I had never been on an actual boat ride before. I've been on two different floating museums, but an actual boat ride, nope, never. I do not know where my brother is taking me on our adventures, the surprise is a part of the fun, and he has purchased the tickets without knowing if I would be able to do the boat ride. I decided that I would, and I'm so glad I did. I want to go back just to ride the ferry back and forth. Statue is nice but the ride was my favorite part. 
Knowing now that I like boat rides, I plan to take a trip on the Minne Ha-Ha on Lake George this year, hopefully.

I don't really do New Year's Resolutions, but I do have one main goal for the year and that is to get to at least on Fishkill card show. I have 11 more chances in theory, however not really as some of them conflict with model shows and other things so I don't know how many chances I'll actually get. 
I'd like to write more posts on here but I'm still struggling to find motivation. My wrist is also still bothering me so typing is painful but I'm getting through. That's been bothering me for more than a year now so hopefully it will get better this year. I have no goals about adding cards to my collection by design. Whatever happens, whatever I can lay my hands on, I will be happy to have. If I don't get much, or if I get a bunch, I don't mind either way, I'm happy to get what I get.