Sunday, September 29, 2019

Did you ever stop to just appreciate the scanning process?

Scanning has become a routine for me. I do it so much, that I don't really even have to think about it...I just do it. 
But sometimes I stop and think about how cool it actually is. Really, it's kind of amazing. We can hold something in our hands and look at, but with one press of a button, you can take what you are looking at and put it onto your computer, blow it up to see the small details larger, even build a database of your entire collection- like I have been for the past 10 years. No matter how big or small, you can make it so you have access to your entire collection no matter where you are or where they are. 

That's just a great thing. 

Even though the technologies used on the card doesn't always work well for scanning (looking at you, mirror foils and Chrome style cards!) it's still amazing. 

And not something I would ever have imagined being able to do when I first started collecting...of course, when I began, having a computer at all, or the internet, were concepts I had simply never even thought of because, while they did exist (I think), were so far "out there" that they didn't enter into my life at all. 

Even though it's a nice day out, I'm mentally in a bit of a fog due to health problems leading to lack of sleep so I'm not working on models- have to be fully with it to do that- so I'm scanning cards for the first time in a while, and just had my train of thought go down that path...have not written much lately so decided to get a post out of it. 

Since it's kind of a light post, here's a scan I made today.
an orange parallel from 18-19 Status.


  1. Sure is easier than trying to set up a digital camera on a mount, getting the proper angle and lighting, taking the photos one by one, connecting the camera to your computer, uploading all the photos, opening each one, editing where necessary...

    1. Cards are a legit challenge to get photographed properly, especially newer cards with uv coating. So much glare!

  2. I too like how effective scans can be as opposed to pictures. That said I wish the cropping and rotation procedures were a lot less arduous lol.

    1. That's super easy with photoscape. If I put my mind to it and the cards aren't mirror foils and finests I can do both sides of a full 9 card scan in 2 minutes. I usually don't because I'm easily distracted.

  3. Replies
    1. Sometimes I feel like we are living in the time of the Jetsons...just need flying cars! (Ford invented it in 1964 but it was too costly to put into production)

  4. I can't stand the act of scanning... because it's so time consuming and tedious. But that being said... it's such a valuable tool and something I should appreciate more.

    1. Luckily, I have a lot of time. It can get tedious and annoying, mostly with mirror foils and finests.
