Monday, January 27, 2025

Problem solving

 During the past week, I thought up a post title for weaseling out of my "scan whatever comes out of the random box" take on my scanning project, because I came into a huge stack of 1990-91 Score American, from when my mom gave me the factory set as a gift back in 2020. I was going to title it "Making rules, breaking rules"...but while I was thinking of how I wanted to word the post, I went ahead and finished the huge stack of cards. OK, so huge may be a bit of an overstatement, but it was more than 200 cards. 

That happens to be a fairly easy set to pull scans out of, with it being a very bright I got them all done in just over a day. (I had one page left to do the next morning)

The problem solved itself! 

Here's a random card so you know what set I'm talking about.

The other problem to solve- the NASCAR cards. They aren't in the boxes I'm grabbing to scan randomly. They are all in their own cases, mostly sorted by set already, from back when I had to keep them separated so I didn't type them into my overall collection chart. That's a moot point now that I finished typing everything in, but that doesn't help me get them scanned in the random boxes way I'm doing them now. 

So, I decided that I would work on NASCAR cards while watching races. I decided I would start with the 24 Hours of Daytona, which is an IMSA race, technically a NASCAR division but totally separate. The 24 Hours of Daytona happens to be my favorite race of the year, but this year my chronic health problems acted up so I wasn't able to work as much as I would have liked to during the race. During the entire 24 hour span of the race, I only was able to scan and edit 6 pages of cards. That's not too many, so I decided to finish the stack I had taken out expecting to work on during the race before going back to the mixed boxes. 

Even though they are mostly sorted by set, I'm still taking the random approach in that I'm not picking which set to work on. I'm just taking whatever is on top, and the first cards I happened to scan out of the first box was a full page of 1996 Classic, which is not a set I have a whole lot of.

Due to pure luck of the draw, Robert Yates happened to be the first card I placed on the scanner and then cropped. 

While I wait for the Heystack machine, I'm setting every card with foil aside and a LOT of NASCAR cards have foil. Easily 3/4ths of them out of this box got set aside for the future. That's OK, because I'm really enjoying working on the foilless cards for right now. The fact that the majority of the foilless cards happens to be from the 1990s and older surely doesn't hurt. 

Feels good to solve two problems in a span of 2 days. Although to be honest calling both of these problems is a stretch, it at least gives me something to write about.


  1. Those are "good problems" to have. I really like that Robert Yates card.... that's the way I like to remember him

  2. Big fan of the 1990-91 Score hockey set with the position icon, white borders and red/blue lines. That's impressive that you were able to scan 200 cards in a day. I'm lucky if I do 10 to 15 a day.
