That was a crazy large upload. January started strong scanning wise, with me scanning more cards in the month than I did in any month for over a year- 2091 cards to be exact. As it turns out, only doing cards without foil goes a lot faster than those with foil. Uploading took forever, complicated by a few things, including my chronic health problems acting up a lot, and Fotki not working for a day and a half, which is highly unusual. They may have been upgrading their servers because I notice the uploading process was faster when it returned from being down.
Because I was working through whatever came out of the boxes, and not searching out anything specific, I ended up scanning a lot of baseball and football this month, plus a bunch of minor league hockey which led to a lot of new people. So many new people that I had to break the screenshot into three parts and combine them with Photoscape!
220 new people got scanned for the first time this month! Including somebody I didn't even know was in my collection! I have 1 card each of two different baseball players named Craig Wilson. I didn't know this until I went to upload the scan of the second one and realized they were two different people.
93 of the 220 were baseball players, 55 were hockey and 39 were football.
You may notice that one person- Francois Groleau- is not highlighted in the screencap. He was not scanned this month, but I just created his listing due to a mistake on my part that I noticed and corrected during the course of this month's upload.
The most important thing about this month's uploads- baseball hit 1000 people scanned! I talked about when they may happen in a previous post and it happened this past month. Frank White happened to be the 1000th person to be uploaded.
Not only did Baseball hit 1000 people, it passed Other Sports! I didn't scan anyone at all for other sports this month, and with the influx of new baseball people it now stands at 1008 people scanned, while other sports is at 1005. Not a big difference, but interesting, at least to me.
With 4230 people basketball still has a healthy lead, although hockey is closing in fast, taking the lead is not outside the realm of possibility.
For people added to the collection, January was light.
All the hockey players came from the Topps Stickers, which I no longer have access to due to Topps being stupid, so that cuts off my main source for new people added to the collection. My entire input of new cards in January came from the end of the Topps Now stickers, the SI for Kids magazine subscription I maintain for the cards, and a small purchase I made off a friend which yielded no new people. I made a mistake when I did this listing - Ayoka Lee should be listed as NCAA, not WNBA. I've corrected it in my listing but didn't feel like making another screeenshot.