Monday, April 10, 2023

New People scanned in March 2023

 March was a HUGE scanning month for me...with the new way I came up with that I wrote about a few posts ago, I just was moving through the cards so quickly that I ended up scanning a grand total of 2410 cards in the month of March! That's one of the largest months I've ever had...checking the chart where I write down what I scan (really label) and what date I do it, I have to go back to May 2020 to find a month with more cards...there are several months with exactly zero cards. (I started typing them into Excel after my original remote hard drive crashed and took scans with, if I lose scans again, I will be able to know what I need to redo if I lose something)

I ended up with 145 new people scanned in the month, which is a huge amount! All letters except O, Q, U and X got somebody new this month. 

Since I started taking these screencaps back with the November 2019 scans, this is the 5th largest month for new people. The record is 273 people back in December 2019, a crazy scanning month. Although it would be hard to top that, I could see it happen if I start concentrating on the random baseball and football I've got stashed away that people have sent me...but I would be ok with that record standing because it's a lot of work to do all this, haha. In fact, it took me 9 full days to do, meaning April will have significantly less to do, which is OK because I won't be home to do my traditional starting on the first of the month upload, I'll be at a model show. In Utah. 

of the 145 new people scanned, there were:

  1. 36 baseball
  2. 12 football
  3. 5 non-sport
  4. 7 other sports
  5. 7 Auto racing
  6. 2 basketball
  7. 76 hockey
you can tell what I spent the most time working on this month...


  1. Your collecting analytics are ridiculous. And I am here for it. I wish I could feed the TCDB database and access logs into Splunk and parse through all that data.

    1. Honestly, I enjoy the tracking of the collection most of all a good portion of the time. Even more than the cards themselves.

  2. You are a scanning and cataloging machine! Wish I could work as efficiently as you.

    1. I wish I could be as efficient as you think I am, haha

  3. A model show. In Utah. Remarkable!
