Sunday, October 15, 2023

I hit a milestone in September and didn't realize it until now

 I hit a pretty big milestone last month, although I didn't realize it until just now.

You might not be able to guess what it is, so here's a "hint"...

When I updated the Encyclopedias on my Cardboard History Gallery, I discovered that I had reached the 4000 people scanned threshold for basketball! That's a pretty big deal, really. I was only 24 people away when I trailed off scanning in the spring, and I completely forgot how close I was. I ended up scanning 49 new people last month, so the milestone was hit at some point in the month. 

I don't know exactly who the 4000th person get scanned was, but I DO know the 4000th to be uploaded. That was Kai Jones. 

In the time between when I started writing this post and when I finished it, he essentially got fired by the Hornets, placed on waivers because the team didn't want him around anymore. I started writing it right after I finished the last post I published. 

It's taken me 27 years to get to 4000 people. I wonder how long it will take me to get to 5000?