Sunday, April 5, 2015

Easter Memory

As I've mentioned before, my family usually gives me cards on all gift giving occasions. Easter is no exception, and there is one card I specifically remember getting as an Easter gift, back when the card was new. I actually received a pack and pulled it. I don't remember what else was in that pack...and in fact, pulling this card is the only memory I have of Easter 1998.
1997-98 Bowman's Best Atomic Refractor #20

The scan does not do it justice. Atomic Refractors are incredible to view in hand, but they don't scan all that well.

Still, it's a great memory that has stuck with me all these years- and unfortunately I have very few memories of 1998.

My Mom comes through again this year- after I posted my Page showing the people missing from my collection, it showed 80 NASCAR people. When I woke up today, it was still at 80. Now, it's at 41! And it would have been one less if I hadn't messed up and included somebody as missing that I actually already had.

That's a pretty big deal to me- in all the NASCAR cards ever issued, from 1972-2015, there have only been cards of 41 different people that I have not been able to hunt down.


  1. Hi, this is Bo from the blog Baseball Cards Come to Life. Do you have any baseball cards to trade? I have a bunch of basketball cards from the late-90s to early-00s that I recently acquired and am looking to get rid of.

    1. Hi Bo, I am not sure if I do...I don't have very much baseball in my stash. I will check!
