Sunday, August 4, 2024

New People Scanned in July 2024

 July 2024 was an interesting month card wise. Obviously the National gets all the attention, and since I'm writing this just after Midnight on Saturday, August 3rd, it's hard to believe it was a week ago already. I'm still working on processing the cards into my collection- the paper listing is mostly done, but Excel is still a work in progress. I still have not scanned any of the packs that need to be scanned before I can open them yet, so technically I will still be getting cards from the National into August. 

But this post is about what I did in July, and I finally got "caught up" on new additions- which is a bit of a misnomer, as I didn't really get caught up, cards still arrived, I just didn't scan them yet, instead choosing to work on boxes of stuff I've had around a while which turned out to be a mixture of pretty much everything. Most of the time that's the most fun for me to scan but sometimes I'd rather do batches of the same set. There's no rhyme or reason to how I'm going to feel at any particular time, but luckily I have such a huge stack of things waiting to be scanned that I can work on whatever fits my mood at that time. 

This box that I pulled out happened to have a mixture of Drag Racing promos and football cards, the latter of which were given to me by my friend who has been mentioned many times before. Most of the new people however came from a batch of baseball cards a different friend sent me, which I scanned during the month. 

In total, I scanned 626 cards and 84 of them were new people never scanned before. 

It was a fun month of scanning. I would suspect all of August's new people scanned will be people I added to my collection at the National. I specifically purchased some hockey cards because I didn't have them in my collection yet, and the non-sports boxes I bought were very heavy with people I didn't have before, mostly because non-sports are so under represented and difficult to add. 

I don't expect to finish scanning all the cards I got in August. I still don't have an exact number yet but it's significant, it will take me a while to do. Luckily it's one of if not my favorite part of the hobby. 

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