Tuesday, March 22, 2022

I can (COM)C clearly now, the wait is gone

 For the first time since 2019, I have received a COMC order! 

When they disabled the Shipping bonus, I decided to wait until it was restored before I ordered...and then they got to where it was taking them six months to ship unless you paid them extra to ship it sooner. I refused to do that...so I waited it out. I decided it was unlikely that they would restore the shipping bonus, and I had seen reports of them actually shipping normally again, so I shipped my order and waited patiently. 

Some of these cards had been sitting, waiting to ship for so long, that I didn't even remember what was in there. So much so that two copies showed up because I had forgotten I purchased them and purchased a second copy...one of those cards is SN to 25. One card I had purchased on there and then got a copy of some time last summer, making it a duplicate. One card I bought even though I already had it...I don't know if I messed up, or if mine was damaged and I was ordering a replacement. Either's possible, I will have to check my "damaged card box" to see if it's in there. 

In total, there were 246 cards in the box, 242 new cards. 

They arrived on March 17th so they obviously beat the estimated shipping date, which is a good thing. 

The little white slips of paper is new. Actually I feel an improvement. It has a bar code which is surely for COMC's internal systems, but it also says what year and set the card comes from, which is very helpful...especially when I am buying some obscure sets I don't know much about. It isn't always correct- at least three of them were wrong, including wrong years and wrong sets - but it gives me a decent starting point. 

Especially for the tobacco era non-sports sets that I buy because of the subject matter, previously I would have to page though my COMC buying history to figure out what year a set was released, now I don't have to. Like I said...definitely an improvement. Sports sets are usually easier to figure out because they usually make some reference to the year, even if it's just the previous year's statistics on the back. Tobacco era cards that are subject based and not season based, no so much. 

Stay tuned because in the coming weeks (and let's be honest, probably months!) I will scan all the cards and write the narrative around why I bought these specific cards...each card has a story, a reason behind it, even if that's just set help. And yes, sets were completed in this order...two base sets, a parallel and a promo. 

In fact, with this order, I've completed more sets in 2022 already than I did in all of 2021 combined! I intend to write a post about that, too, once I get more scanning done. Always so much to do and so little time to do it...


  1. It's great that you were able to complete sets....and maybe we need more than 24 hours in a day.

  2. I also haven't requested a COMC shipment since 2019 (December) and there's currently 307 cards awaiting my request for shipment. Nice post (and I can relate--so much to do and so little time to do it).

  3. I just received my COMC shipment too. Haven't had a chance to open it up though... and probably won't until Spring Break next month.

    1. I used to save it and go through it one card at a time but I burned myself out doing that, now I open it as soon as I get it.

  4. Looks like a bit like the order that I got at the end of last year. I've scanned a lot of it, but have posted very little of it to the blog so far.

    1. I haven't gotten any scanned yet in a week, surprisingly

  5. Can't wait to see what you've accumulated here. I got a 60+ card order from COMC a couple weeks ago and I'm already working on another one. I'm very impatient :)
